We consider it important that elite athletes can develop themselves. Also in the field of education. Facilities have been made available to support the athletes in the combination of elite sport and education. Everything with the aim to enable the dual career of elite athletes.

elite sport and education

“I was born in the Netherlands and I moved to England with my mother and sister after the divorce of my parents. That was back in 2006. It was the first time that I discovered athletics. I liked it and I was good at it. In 2018, I wanted to participate in the European Athletics Championships under 18. However, I did not have a British passport. At that time, my father contacted the Dutch Athletics federation in the Netherlands. I could join the team and I saw opportunities. Let’s do it! I participated in the European Championships and I won the gold medal in the 100 meter race. Of course, I have to get used to being alone in the Netherlands. I miss my mother and my friends. I call my mother every day and I make new friends here as well. So I am coping well. Now, I will have to learn proper Dutch.

Raphael Bouju

“You receive great assistance from NOC*NSF”

“I am of value for the future”

HAN University is located in Arnhem, close to Papendal, which is nice and convenient. The atmosphere is very chill. Everything is relaxed. When I have to go to the restroom during a lecture, then I can just go and use the restroom. You cannot do that in England. Then you are in big trouble. Here, the rules are less strict. I feel comfortable with that. They are flexible as well when it comes to attending the lectures. I train fulltime, so I cannot attend all lectures. They understand that. Compared to my classmates, I am given more time to conclude an academic year because of my sport career. That has been arranged quite nicely. Everything goes well up till now and I pass all my exams.

The fact that you receive guidance from NOC*NSF as regards the combination of elite sport and study is an asset. Study intermediary Tijn Colen is always there for you. When I came here, I had a meeting with him. He asked me about my interests, what I wanted to do in the future. We had a look at several schools and programs and concluded that International Business at HAN University would be the best choice for me. I do not regret this. In the beginning, I had difficulties with my schedules for sport and studying. So I went and sat down with Tijn and we made a plan. This really helped me. It is just arranged very nicely here in the Netherlands.”

Without a doubt, it has been good for my sport career to come to the Netherlands. We have the best facilities at Papendal, a wonderful athletics track and great coaches. My training is more intense and specific here. I have my own schedule. In addition, it is great to be together with people who have the same ambitions as I do: to become the best performer in athletics. I started to train fulltime at Papendal in 2020. I am also part of TeamNL. I am very happy about that. This means that they see my potential and that I am of value for the future. In Paris, I want to start the 100 meter and the 4*100 meter relay. I put in many hours of training to this end.

I am studying in addition to practicing my sport. I pursue the educational program of International Business at HAN University of Applied Sciences. It is a comprehensive study program with the advantage that you can develop yourself in all kinds of directions: sport, food. I would like to become an entrepreneur after my athletic career. I am not sure yet what exactly I want to do, but it is obvious for me that it will include sport somehow. Sport shoes, sport clothing, sport equipment: you have the freedom as entrepreneur. I consider that important.

Doing what you want. Making your own choices. Being free. Athlete Raphael Bouju considers this important. Now and in a while, upon completion of his elite career. Perhaps as an entrepreneur. Not surprisingly, he pursues the educational program of International Business at the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem. His studies go well. He is committed and he enjoys to be active in something else in addition to his sport. Nevertheless, his elite career is his number one priority. He aims at the 100 meter and 4*100 meter relay in Paris.

“It is wonderful to be together with people who have the same goals as I do”

elite sport and education

“The entire village was exhilarated, just because I had been shooting some arrows”

“So much is possible. You just need to have a good story”

I completed high school at the Beekdal Lyceum in Arnhem, which is an Elite Talent School. The cooperation with Papendal, where I was residing at that time already, was thriving. Everything was perfectly arranged. Subsequently, I started studying Physics and Astronomy at Radboud University. It was a deliberate choice. The study intermediary at Papendal told me that you could combine studies and elite sport well there. That is true, as I can speak from my own experience now. Quite a lot is possible. A lecturer even composed an exam especially for me. That is truly wonderful indeed. At a certain moment, it seemed as if I would not complete my first year’s examinations in time and I talked to the study advisor at Radboud University. He engaged everyone who had to be engaged, which took away my stress. It is great that so much is possible for athletes. You just need to have a good story. And I did. I went to the Olympic Games.

The study choice for Physics and Astronomy did not appear out of thin air. It is a good entry for a master in aerospace. I cherish a natural fascination for everything which flies in the air. I was born in an aeronautical family. My father is a pilot. I have been to many places around the world. What I enjoy even more is to be in the cockpit together with my father. I truly enjoy that. The courses that are provided in the studies of Physics and Astronomy are interesting. You learn how everything works. The theory of relativity is quite hard, but marvelous indeed at the same time. It brought me so much. And yet, I quit these studies since the hardcore mathematics turned out to be too much for me. Together with the study intermediary at Papendal, we looked at other opportunities. I am going to study environmental and natural sciences, after which I plan to go to a pilot academy. To become a pilot is one of my dreams. Becoming an astronaut would be wonderful as well. If I could head to the Moon or Mars with a rocket, I would board straight away.

Before the moment is there, I want to have accomplished everything in my elite career. I was so disappointed when I came in fourth in Tokyo. I have not fully processed this disappointment yet. Off and on, I am thinking about it. I could have done this in another way, I could have done this in a better way. It is good to be a critical voice to yourself. It also motivates me for Paris. I do not want another experience to come in fourth again. I truly want to do everything I can to give my optimal performance there. For myself, for my teammates, and for the Netherlands. It is nice if everyone can enjoy this moment as well. During the Tokyo Olympic Games, the entire village of Ruinen was exhilarated, just because I had been shooting some arrows. Crazy. But quite nice as well.”

“Tokyo was fantastic. What a crazy experience. I cannot find the right words to describe it. It was the first time that I participated in the Olympic Games. All in a sudden, you are amidst the high-class performers, the stars from the Netherlands. Unbelievable. Gijs Broeksma from Ruinen, Drenthe. What I loved was how TeamNL interacts and helps each other. Everyone is there for you. I am truly grateful to Pieter van den Hoogenband. He helped me with all kinds of things. Me, the third player of the archery team. I will never forget that. I was sitting outside on a bench for a couple of hours on the final evening to let it all sink in: What just happened? Usually, I am quite down to earth. Now, I had to shed a tear. All of it had such an impact on me. I have been living a dream and I just woke up, two months after the Olympic Games.

I have been with TeamNL since 2018. I received a small suitcase with several items as a welcome gift: a letter from Maurits Hendriks, a TeamNL T-shirt, a small sculpture to give away to someone who means a lot to you… It was a special moment for me. Then, you realize that you truly belong to the Team. And what I really find important: as a member of TeamNL, you can make use of all opportunities TeamNL@work offers you in order to work on your societal career. For me, this means, for instance, that I receive guidance during my studies and that I receive support in the choices I have to make. Additionally, transition programs are available in every respect. We have arranged this quite well here. Athletes are not so lucky in many other countries. When you are an elite athlete there, then you are an elite athlete. Furthermore, nothing is available. So, what do you do when you have completed your elite career?

TeamNL archer Gijs Broeksma had two dreams: to perform in the Olympic Games and to become a pilot, just as his father. His first dream came true sooner than expected. Shortly before the Tokyo Olympic Games, he received the news that he had been selected for the archery team. They came in fourth. The result hit them hard and at the same time, it was a memorable experience. His second dream is work in progress. TeamNL@work assists to this end. They coach him during his studies and offer support where possible.

Gijs Broeksma

elite sport and education

“I receive a lot of support from the elite counselor of TeamNL”

“I passed my exam on special tax levies in a hotel room in Cancun”

What I want to be in the future? Well, that is a good question indeed. I find it difficult to answer. At present, I have a zero hour contract with Florys. This is a financial consultancy firm which assists entrepreneurs with their taxes, among other things. They are the sponsor of volleyball club Sliedrecht Sport, the club where I had been playing indoor for years. They asked me if I was interested. Their reasoning: ‘Come and work with us, then you can see how things work in practice. It is a win-win situation for both of us.’ I thought that was wonderful. Which company would like to work with an elite athlete, who is away from home a lot and who is often in other time zones? This period is relatively quiet for me and I have worked twenty hours in two weeks. I work five till ten hours a week on average.

Combining elite sport and studies is manageable for me, actually. I am in the Netherlands quite often during the winter season and then, it goes well. It is more difficult from March onwards. At that time, the new season starts and I am abroad on a regular basis. The exams are an obstacle sometimes. The general rule is that you do your exams at the university. However, I am not going to sacrifice a tournament for that. COVID-19 was not all too bad for that matter. Since the university was in a lock-down, I had to do my exams online. I passed my exam on special tax levies in a hotel room in Cancun, where I was playing a tournament. I did the same in Qatar and at Tenerife, with two cameras pointed at me, one in front of me and one behind me. This way, they are able to observe whether you are alone and that nobody helps you.

I have almost completed my studies; I have already finished my thesis. Remote studying works perfectly fine for me. I am rarely present at the university. People ask me once in a while if I don’t miss student life. Not really. I have close friends in Sliedrecht whom I often meet. I have very few friends at the university. Actually, none. I am not present at the university. It is all right for me this way. It does not affect my study results either. And it does not matter if I take some extra years for my studies, since I am not going to work straight away when I have completed my studies. My elite career is my number one priority now. Nevertheless, I do take up the challenge indeed to pass exams for which I did not study much. To see how far I can get. Most of the time, it is far enough.

I receive a lot of support from Judith Rouwenhorst. She is an elite counselor of TeamNL, Metropool Center. We are in contact a couple of times a year. She helps me if I meet obstacles on my way. In my first year, she arranged that I did not have to attend the lectures for the working programs which I had to follow during each course. That took off some of the workload. And she indicated the Financial Support Fund to Students (Profileringsfonds) of the Erasmus University to me. I did not know anything about that. This arrangement from the university provides for the reimbursement of part of your tuition fees when you have a study delay for a valid reason. They deem elite sport a valid reason. And so do I!”

“I have always been interested in business and fiscal economics. I pursue both study programs and I do so at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. I like the variety of these studies. Business economics is quite a mathematical study, with a lot of models. Fiscal economics is less abstract and addresses the questions in practice. For instance, what happens when the government increases taxes for its citizens? What will happen to our well-being? How will we respond as a society? These are interesting practical cases which we study from several points of view. From the tax inspector’s view, from the citizen’s perspective. I have to take my position as regards these matters. That fascinates me. The advantage of two studies is that I further my knowledge with the broadest perspective possible. When I have completed my elite career, I will have better chances in the labor market.

Six months a year, beach volleyball player Yorick de Groot is traveling around the globe. Then, he travels from one tournament to the next. Gstaad, Ostrova, Cancun, Vulcano Island – he visits the most beautiful spots in the world, but sport is his number one priority. Everything else needs to be put aside in this respect. During that period, his studies are kept alight like a pilot light. In the winter season, when he is in the Netherlands quite a lot, his studies are ignited once again. And in fact, he is doing all right in combining his studies, trainings and performances.

Yorick de Groot

“Combining elite sport and studies is manageable for me, actually”

elite sport and education

“I think I am on track”

“I feel so strong when I am on top of a mountain”

I learned how to cope with this in a better way during the second year. I can also say now: ‘I am sorry, I cannot do this exam. Let’s have a look at an alternative.’ I would not have been able to admit this in the past. The fact that my study advisor was very considerate helped a lot. I would have information about trainings, training sessions and championships, and she would have a look how I could schedule the exams in the best possible way. She also helped me to plan ahead. ‘I would already write a letter to the examination board that you are not able to make an exam at that date. You don’t need that letter now, but you won’t be able to write a letter when you prepare for the European or World Championships in a while.’ That’s the way you learn how to navigate. Anyway, you can combine sport and studying very well with just a little motivation, and you have a fantastic life. When I have a look at myself: I am a 25-year-old athlete who travels around the globe to pursue her Olympic dream. And I can prepare for my societal future at the same time via my studies. What else do you want?

Nevertheless, I am not an active participant in student life. The Molenstraat, where it all happens in Nijmegen, is not my home base. But I really don’t know if that’s a pity. I did participate in the Diner Rouler during my first year. You eat together. One prepares the main course, and the other the starter and desert. I like cooking and made something delicious. It can also happen that you meet something who just started living on his own and who has less skills. Then you eat pasta with ketchup. Fine. It always resulted in nice conversations. I also devote time to friends and hobby’s. And I went on vacation to Switzerland, high in the mountains. I like hiking and mountain climbing. I feel so strong when I am on top of a mountain. As if I have breathed all air from the world. You feel humble at the same time. Everything seems small. Your problems disappear. Not that I have problems, but just as an example.

My major goal in the short run is a medal at the Olympics in Paris. You never know how it goes, but I think I am on track. In any event, I participate to earn prizes at large tournaments. That’s nice. I have a feeling to be back again. It was a struggle after I had become junior world champion and I had transferred to the seniors. I considered the transfer pretty tough. And COVID-19 did not come at the right time. Of course, this applies to everyone, but it was truly cumbersome for me. I am a lightweight and I compete in the class till 48 kilograms. You don’t have too many of these competitors in the Netherlands. I am dependent on foreign training sessions and tournaments abroad to become stronger and to develop myself. Then you train with and compete against the best judokas around the world from your own class. You develop fitness for judo which is needed to win competitions. Training in the gym does not beat that.

I have a societal goal in addition to my Olympic goal. I want to commit myself to the Dutch youth. I have to find out yet what I am exactly going to do. I think it would be great to motivate children and youngsters to start exercising. More people are involved in sport, but far from all youngsters exercise. So, let’s continue to do this indeed. The children’s development also interests me. For instance, how can you improve the connection between youth care and education? I carried out an investigation during my studies. I would like to continue in this direction. That’s why I have also chosen pedagogics as an elective. If you want to be a policy maker in the role of public administrator, then you must know which people you address. That’s not the case too often. It will not happen to me. I am thorough in everything I do. I cannot change that.”

“Combining elite sport and a study program is challenging. You have three jobs in fact. You are an elite athlete. You are a student. And you are your own management. You will have to organize and schedule everything in such a way that it fits. It takes time and energy. I had to get used to this in the first year particularly. Then you still have to find out everything. When I had organized my schedule, I had another tournament all in a sudden or I had another exam. And then? Or I had organized an exam right after a three-week training session in Japan. I can do this, I thought. Well, I could not. Jetlag. Exhaustion hit me. I just couldn’t do it anymore. You will encounter such things. I thought that was difficult. I am a perfectionist and I want to do everything the best way possible. Failure does not fit in into the picture. I felt guilty, while I knew that I always give everything every day.

Amber Gersjes wants to earn a medal at the Olympics and will be committed to the Dutch youth when she has finished her judo career. Her studies will assist her to this end. She had enrolled at Radboud University and quickly completed her bachelor in public administration. Before she had completed her BA, she wanted to start with the master’s program. Though everybody advised against this, she enrolled with great enthusiasm. And it goes rather well, in fact. She was balancing, adjusting and fitting the schedules only in the first year of her studies.

Amber Gersjes

“I am thorough in everything I do”

elite sport and education

We consider it important that elite athletes can develop themselves. Also in the field of education. Facilities have been made available to support the athletes in the combination of elite sport and education. Everything with the aim to enable the dual career of elite athletes.

elite sport and education

“You receive great assistance from NOC*NSF”

“I am of value for the future”

Without a doubt, it has been good for my sport career to come to the Netherlands. We have the best facilities at Papendal, a wonderful athletics track and great coaches. My training is more intense and specific here. I have my own schedule. In addition, it is great to be together with people who have the same ambitions as I do: to become the best performer in athletics. I started to train fulltime at Papendal in 2020. I am also part of TeamNL. I am very happy about that. This means that they see my potential and that I am of value for the future. In Paris, I want to start the 100 meter and the 4*100 meter relay. I put in many hours of training to this end.

I am studying in addition to practicing my sport. I pursue the educational program of International Business at HAN University of Applied Sciences. It is a comprehensive study program with the advantage that you can develop yourself in all kinds of directions: sport, food. I would like to become an entrepreneur after my athletic career. I am not sure yet what exactly I want to do, but it is obvious for me that it will include sport somehow. Sport shoes, sport clothing, sport equipment: you have the freedom as entrepreneur. I consider that important.

“I was born in the Netherlands and I moved to England with my mother and sister after the divorce of my parents. That was back in 2006. It was the first time that I discovered athletics. I liked it and I was good at it. In 2018, I wanted to participate in the European Athletics Championships under 18. However, I did not have a British passport. At that time, my father contacted the Dutch Athletics federation in the Netherlands. I could join the team and I saw opportunities. Let’s do it! I participated in the European Championships and I won the gold medal in the 100 meter race. Of course, I have to get used to being alone in the Netherlands. I miss my mother and my friends. I call my mother every day and I make new friends here as well. So I am coping well. Now, I will have to learn proper Dutch.

Doing what you want. Making your own choices. Being free. Athlete Raphael Bouju considers this important. Now and in a while, upon completion of his elite career. Perhaps as an entrepreneur. Not surprisingly, he pursues the educational program of International Business at the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem. His studies go well. He is committed and he enjoys to be active in something else in addition to his sport. Nevertheless, his elite career is his number one priority. He aims at the 100 meter and 4*100 meter relay in Paris.

Date of birth
15 May 2002


International Business at HAN University of Applied Sciences

Highlights in sport

  • Gold in the 100 meter at the European Championships Outdoor Juniors in 2018
  • Gold in the 100 meter at the National Championships Outdoor in 2022
  • Bronze in the 60 meter at the National Championships Indoor in 2022
  • Silver in the 60 meter at the National Championships

Special characteristics

  • Grew up in England
  • Has only been living in the Netherlands for a couple of years now

“It is wonderful to be together with people who have the same goals as I do”

Raphael Bouju

elite sport and education

Elite sport and education

“The entire village was exhilarated, just because I had been shooting some arrows”

“So much is possible. You just need to have a good story”

“Tokyo was fantastic. What a crazy experience. I cannot find the right words to describe it. It was the first time that I participated in the Olympic Games. All in a sudden, you are amidst the high-class performers, the stars from the Netherlands. Unbelievable. Gijs Broeksma from Ruinen, Drenthe. What I loved was how TeamNL interacts and helps each other. Everyone is there for you. I am truly grateful to Pieter van den Hoogenband. He helped me with all kinds of things. Me, the third player of the archery team. I will never forget that. I was sitting outside on a bench for a couple of hours on the final evening to let it all sink in: What just happened? Usually, I am quite down to earth. Now, I had to shed a tear. All of it had such an impact on me. I have been living a dream and I just woke up, two months after the Olympic Games.

I have been with TeamNL since 2018. I received a small suitcase with several items as a welcome gift: a letter from Maurits Hendriks, a TeamNL T-shirt, a small sculpture to give away to someone who means a lot to you… It was a special moment for me. Then, you realize that you truly belong to the Team. And what I really find important: as a member of TeamNL, you can make use of all opportunities TeamNL@work offers you in order to work on your societal career. For me, this means, for instance, that I receive guidance during my studies and that I receive support in the choices I have to make. Additionally, transition programs are available in every respect. We have arranged this quite well here. Athletes are not so lucky in many other countries. When you are an elite athlete there, then you are an elite athlete. Furthermore, nothing is available. So, what do you do when you have completed your elite career?

I completed high school at the Beekdal Lyceum in Arnhem, which is an Elite Talent School. The cooperation with Papendal, where I was residing at that time already, was thriving. Everything was perfectly arranged. Subsequently, I started studying Physics and Astronomy at Radboud University. It was a deliberate choice. The study intermediary at Papendal told me that you could combine studies and elite sport well there. That is true, as I can speak from my own experience now. Quite a lot is possible. A lecturer even composed an exam especially for me. That is truly wonderful indeed. At a certain moment, it seemed as if I would not complete my first year’s examinations in time and I talked to the study advisor at Radboud University. He engaged everyone who had to be engaged, which took away my stress. It is great that so much is possible for athletes. You just need to have a good story. And I did. I went to the Olympic Games.

The study choice for Physics and Astronomy did not appear out of thin air. It is a good entry for a master in aerospace. I cherish a natural fascination for everything which flies in the air. I was born in an aeronautical family. My father is a pilot. I have been to many places around the world. What I enjoy even more is to be in the cockpit together with my father. I truly enjoy that. The courses that are provided in the studies of Physics and Astronomy are interesting. You learn how everything works. The theory of relativity is quite hard, but marvelous indeed at the same time. It brought me so much. And yet, I quit these studies since the hardcore mathematics turned out to be too much for me. Together with the study intermediary at Papendal, we looked at other opportunities. I am going to study environmental and natural sciences, after which I plan to go to a pilot academy. To become a pilot is one of my dreams. Becoming an astronaut would be wonderful as well. If I could head to the Moon or Mars with a rocket, I would board straight away.

Before the moment is there, I want to have accomplished everything in my elite career. I was so disappointed when I came in fourth in Tokyo. I have not fully processed this disappointment yet. Off and on, I am thinking about it. I could have done this in another way, I could have done this in a better way. It is good to be a critical voice to yourself. It also motivates me for Paris. I do not want another experience to come in fourth again. I truly want to do everything I can to give my optimal performance there. For myself, for my teammates, and for the Netherlands. It is nice if everyone can enjoy this moment as well. During the Tokyo Olympic Games, the entire village of Ruinen was exhilarated, just because I had been shooting some arrows. Crazy. But quite nice as well.”

TeamNL archer Gijs Broeksma had two dreams: to perform in the Olympic Games and to become a pilot, just as his father. His first dream came true sooner than expected. Shortly before the Tokyo Olympic Games, he received the news that he had been selected for the archery team. They came in fourth. The result hit them hard and at the same time, it was a memorable experience. His second dream is work in progress. TeamNL@work assists to this end. They coach him during his studies and offer support where possible.

Date and place of birth
10 December 1999, Amsterdam



  • Physics and Astronomy (quit after one year because of the Olympic Games)
  • Plan: Environmental and Natural Sciences

Working experience
Activities for Triple Trouble Archery

Societal engagement
Feel the Experience

Highlights in sport

  • 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo: fourth (team) and fourteenth place (individual)
  • Gold European Youth Cup Team 2017
  • National champion 2022
  • Bronze at the National Senior Outdoor Championships 2021
  • Silver at the National Senior Championships 2020
  • National champion indoor junior athletes 2017 & 2018
  • National champion outdoor junior athletes 2017 & 2018
  • National champion outdoor cadettes 2015 & 2016

Special characteristics
Actively involved in the YouTube-channel TripleTroubleArchery

Gijs Broeksma

Elite sport and education

“I receive a lot of support from the elite counselor of TeamNL”

“I passed my exam on special tax levies in a hotel room in Cancun”

What I want to be in the future? Well, that is a good question indeed. I find it difficult to answer. At present, I have a zero hour contract with Florys. This is a financial consultancy firm which assists entrepreneurs with their taxes, among other things. They are the sponsor of volleyball club Sliedrecht Sport, the club where I had been playing indoor for years. They asked me if I was interested. Their reasoning: ‘Come and work with us, then you can see how things work in practice. It is a win-win situation for both of us.’ I thought that was wonderful. Which company would like to work with an elite athlete, who is away from home a lot and who is often in other time zones? This period is relatively quiet for me and I have worked twenty hours in two weeks. I work five till ten hours a week on average.

Combining elite sport and studies is manageable for me, actually. I am in the Netherlands quite often during the winter season and then, it goes well. It is more difficult from March onwards. At that time, the new season starts and I am abroad on a regular basis. The exams are an obstacle sometimes. The general rule is that you do your exams at the university. However, I am not going to sacrifice a tournament for that. COVID-19 was not all too bad for that matter. Since the university was in a lock-down, I had to do my exams online. I passed my exam on special tax levies in a hotel room in Cancun, where I was playing a tournament. I did the same in Qatar and at Tenerife, with two cameras pointed at me, one in front of me and one behind me. This way, they are able to observe whether you are alone and that nobody helps you.

I have almost completed my studies; I have already finished my thesis. Remote studying works perfectly fine for me. I am rarely present at the university. People ask me once in a while if I don’t miss student life. Not really. I have close friends in Sliedrecht whom I often meet. I have very few friends at the university. Actually, none. I am not present at the university. It is all right for me this way. It does not affect my study results either. And it does not matter if I take some extra years for my studies, since I am not going to work straight away when I have completed my studies. My elite career is my number one priority now. Nevertheless, I do take up the challenge indeed to pass exams for which I did not study much. To see how far I can get. Most of the time, it is far enough.

I receive a lot of support from Judith Rouwenhorst. She is an elite counselor of TeamNL, Metropool Center. We are in contact a couple of times a year. She helps me if I meet obstacles on my way. In my first year, she arranged that I did not have to attend the lectures for the working programs which I had to follow during each course. That took off some of the workload. And she indicated the Financial Support Fund to Students (Profileringsfonds) of the Erasmus University to me. I did not know anything about that. This arrangement from the university provides for the reimbursement of part of your tuition fees when you have a study delay for a valid reason. They deem elite sport a valid reason. And so do I!”

Six months a year, beach volleyball player Yorick de Groot is traveling around the globe. Then, he travels from one tournament to the next. Gstaad, Ostrova, Cancun, Vulcano Island – he visits the most beautiful spots in the world, but sport is his number one priority. Everything else needs to be put aside in this respect. During that period, his studies are kept alight like a pilot light. In the winter season, when he is in the Netherlands quite a lot, his studies are ignited once again. And in fact, he is doing all right in combining his studies, trainings and performances.

“I have always been interested in business and fiscal economics. I pursue both study programs and I do so at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. I like the variety of these studies. Business economics is quite a mathematical study, with a lot of models. Fiscal economics is less abstract and addresses the questions in practice. For instance, what happens when the government increases taxes for its citizens? What will happen to our well-being? How will we respond as a society? These are interesting practical cases which we study from several points of view. From the tax inspector’s view, from the citizen’s perspective. I have to take my position as regards these matters. That fascinates me. The advantage of two studies is that I further my knowledge with the broadest perspective possible. When I have completed my elite career, I will have better chances in the labor market.

Date and place of birth
6 July 2000, Sliedrecht

Beach volleyball

Business and Fiscal Economics

Highlights in sport

  • Second in the Olympic Youth Games in 2018
  • First in the FIVB World Tour in 2021
  • Third in the FIVB World Tour in 2019
  • Second in the European Championships in 2021
  • First in the European Championships under 20 in 2019
  • First in the National Championships in 2021

Special characteristics

  • Combined the Premier Volleyball and Beach volleyball League
  • Did not fully choose beach volleyball until recently

“Combining elite sport and studies is manageable for me, actually”

Yorick de Groot

Elite sport and education

“I think I am on track”

“I feel so strong when I am on top of a mountain”

“Combining elite sport and a study program is challenging. You have three jobs in fact. You are an elite athlete. You are a student. And you are your own management. You will have to organize and schedule everything in such a way that it fits. It takes time and energy. I had to get used to this in the first year particularly. Then you still have to find out everything. When I had organized my schedule, I had another tournament all in a sudden or I had another exam. And then? Or I had organized an exam right after a three-week training session in Japan. I can do this, I thought. Well, I could not. Jetlag. Exhaustion hit me. I just couldn’t do it anymore. You will encounter such things. I thought that was difficult. I am a perfectionist and I want to do everything the best way possible. Failure does not fit in into the picture. I felt guilty, while I knew that I always give everything every day.

I learned how to cope with this in a better way during the second year. I can also say now: ‘I am sorry, I cannot do this exam. Let’s have a look at an alternative.’ I would not have been able to admit this in the past. The fact that my study advisor was very considerate helped a lot. I would have information about trainings, training sessions and championships, and she would have a look how I could schedule the exams in the best possible way. She also helped me to plan ahead. ‘I would already write a letter to the examination board that you are not able to make an exam at that date. You don’t need that letter now, but you won’t be able to write a letter when you prepare for the European or World Championships in a while.’ That’s the way you learn how to navigate. Anyway, you can combine sport and studying very well with just a little motivation, and you have a fantastic life. When I have a look at myself: I am a 25-year-old athlete who travels around the globe to pursue her Olympic dream. And I can prepare for my societal future at the same time via my studies. What else do you want?

Nevertheless, I am not an active participant in student life. The Molenstraat, where it all happens in Nijmegen, is not my home base. But I really don’t know if that’s a pity. I did participate in the Diner Rouler during my first year. You eat together. One prepares the main course, and the other the starter and desert. I like cooking and made something delicious. It can also happen that you meet something who just started living on his own and who has less skills. Then you eat pasta with ketchup. Fine. It always resulted in nice conversations. I also devote time to friends and hobby’s. And I went on vacation to Switzerland, high in the mountains. I like hiking and mountain climbing. I feel so strong when I am on top of a mountain. As if I have breathed all air from the world. You feel humble at the same time. Everything seems small. Your problems disappear. Not that I have problems, but just as an example.

My major goal in the short run is a medal at the Olympics in Paris. You never know how it goes, but I think I am on track. In any event, I participate to earn prizes at large tournaments. That’s nice. I have a feeling to be back again. It was a struggle after I had become junior world champion and I had transferred to the seniors. I considered the transfer pretty tough. And COVID-19 did not come at the right time. Of course, this applies to everyone, but it was truly cumbersome for me. I am a lightweight and I compete in the class till 48 kilograms. You don’t have too many of these competitors in the Netherlands. I am dependent on foreign training sessions and tournaments abroad to become stronger and to develop myself. Then you train with and compete against the best judokas around the world from your own class. You develop fitness for judo which is needed to win competitions. Training in the gym does not beat that.

I have a societal goal in addition to my Olympic goal. I want to commit myself to the Dutch youth. I have to find out yet what I am exactly going to do. I think it would be great to motivate children and youngsters to start exercising. More people are involved in sport, but far from all youngsters exercise. So, let’s continue to do this indeed. The children’s development also interests me. For instance, how can you improve the connection between youth care and education? I carried out an investigation during my studies. I would like to continue in this direction. That’s why I have also chosen pedagogics as an elective. If you want to be a policy maker in the role of public administrator, then you must know which people you address. That’s not the case too often. It will not happen to me. I am thorough in everything I do. I cannot change that.”

Data and place of birth
23 June 1997, Tilburg


Public Administration at Radboud University Nijmegen

Societal engagement
Wants to commit herself to motivate children and youngsters to start exercising after her judo career

Highlights in sport

  • Bronze medal at the IJF Grand Prix of 2021
  • Junior world champion in 2017
  • Junior European champion in 2015

Special characteristics
Amber competes in the extra lightweight class
(-48 kilograms)

“I am thorough in everything I do”

Amber Gersjes wants to earn a medal at the Olympics and will be committed to the Dutch youth when she has finished her judo career. Her studies will assist her to this end. She had enrolled at Radboud University and quickly completed her bachelor in public administration. Before she had completed her BA, she wanted to start with the master’s program. Though everybody advised against this, she enrolled with great enthusiasm. And it goes rather well, in fact. She was balancing, adjusting and fitting the schedules only in the first year of her studies.

Amber Gersjes